H2O2 Solutions for Health and Beauty

Smoke Odors from Fireplaces and House Fires
Use 8% H2O2 in a spray bottle and spray on all soft surfaces until slightly damp. Let thoroughly dry before using the room. Then spray all hard surfaces until damp and let sit overnight before using the room. If there is heavy smoke damage it may be necessary to contact smoke removal contractor as H2O2 is only affective for minor smoke damage.
Use 3% H2O2 and add full strength to a small cereal bowl about
an inch deep. Put the retainer or mouth guard in the solution for one hour. Remove and thoroughly rinse with fresh water and the appliance is ready to be used.

Remove Onion and Garlic Smell from Hands
Using 3% H2O2 apply directly to your fingers and rub vigorously for 30 seconds and then thoroughly rinse under fresh water.

Use in Humidifiers
Using 12% H2O2 add one cup to your humidifier to cleanse the air.

Soften Calluses
Using 3% H2O2 add equal parts 3% H2O2 and warm water to a vessel large enough to soak the calluses. Soak for 30 minutes. Let dry and repeat if necessary.

Use as a Deodorant
Using 3% H2O2 mix equal parts of 3% H2O2 and water. Apply to a sponge or cloth and wipe armpits and let dry. For aggressive body odor use full strength and follow the same procedure.

Whiten Teeth
Using 3% H2O2 mix equal parts of 3% H2O2 and water. Add mixture to baking soda until it creates a paste. Apply paste to toothbrush and brush as normal rinsing your mouth when finished. Or in the alternative swish equal parts water and 3% H2O2 in the mouth for one minute and rinse thoroughly.

Ear Wax
Using 3% H2O2 mix equal parts of 3% H2O2 and water, shake well in a dropper bottle. Tilt head to the side and add a few drops of the liquid into the ear canal. Let stand for a minute (you may notice a fizzing noise in your ear) After a minute tilt your head to the other side and repeat. After a minute tilt you head back to allow the liquid to drain.

Bad Breath
Using 3% H2O2 and water make a mixture of one part 3% H2O2 and one part water, shake vigorously and then swish in your mouth for one minute spit out and rinse your mouth with fresh water. This will totally eliminate bad breath no mater what its cause.

Acne and Boils
Using 3% H2O2 soak a cotton ball with the solution and dab on the Acne or Boil and let dry. Repeat no more than once a day and only apply directly to the Acne or Boils.

Clean Wooden Cutting Boards and Butcher Blocks
Using 3% H2O2 in a spray bottle, lightly spray all the wooden surfaces until wet. Wipe with a paper towel after 30 seconds then reapply another light spray and let it dry or dry with a paper towel. The cutting boards are ready to use and no need to rinse with water.

Fruits and Vegetables
Use 3% H2O2 in a spray bottle and generously spray your fruits and vegetables until wet. Let sit on the fruit and vegetables for a minute or until dry. Rinse thoroughly before human consumption.
Use 8% H2O2 in a spray bottle and lightly spray curtains, furniture and carpets with the solution. DO NOT SOAK. Allow to dry thoroughly before use. Smoke smells will be eliminated. Also works great in autos that have been smoked in.
Use 3% H2O2 and soak a cotton ball with the 3% solutions. Lightly rub the solution over the poison ivy blisters and let dry. Repeat if the itching returns. On the blisters that are open, you will see white bubbling, this is natural and shows the product is working.
Using 3% H2O2 add on pint of 3% H2O2
and one pint of fresh water to the steamer and breathe in the steam. This will detoxify your nasal passage and also help in soothing sore throats.

Use in Nebulizers
Using 3% H2O2 full strength and blend with water as described in your nebulizer instructions. All nebulizers have a different ratio of mixture. Please follow explicitly.

Lighten Hair
Using 3% H2O2 in a spray bottle and lightly spray on your hair and comb through all sections of the hair. Let sit for 30 minutes and then wash the treated hair. This will create a slight lightening. Repeat each day until you reach your desired lightness.

Clean Contact Lenses
Using 3% H2O2 full strength add to a contact cleaner case and insert the contact lenses. Let sit overnight and in the morning, thoroughly rinse with saline solution before applying to eye.

Tooth Ache Pain
Using 3% H2O2 mix equal parts of 3% H2O2 and water, swish solution in the mouth for five minutes to temporarily relieve pain and consult a dentist as soon as possible.

Swimmers Ear
Using 3% H2O2 mix equal parts of 3% H2O2 and water, shake well in a dropper bottle. Tilt head to the side and add a few drops of the liquid into the ear canal. Let stand for a minute (you may notice a fizzing noise in your ear) After a minute tilt your head to the other side and repeat. After a minute tilt you head back to allow the liquid to drain.

Canker Sores
Using 3% H2O2 and water mix one part 3% H2O2 and one part water together. Shake well. At the first feeling of a canker sore, swish the mixture in your mouth for about a minute, spit out and then rinse your mouth completely with fresh water. This also works well on established canker sores and will lessen the pain caused by the sores.

Scrapes, Abrasions and Cuts
Using 3% H2O2 soak a cotton ball with the solution and dab on
the cut or abrasion. You will notice a foaming action at the site of the wound. Let the solution sit on the wound until dry. After initial application, cover with a band-aid and leave wound
undisturbed. It is not recommended that you continually use H2O2 on open wounds as it may prevent proper healing.

Clean Sponges
Using 8% H2O2 and a pair of gloves add the solution to a bowl and let the sponge soak for 30 minutes, rinse and it’s ready to use again.

Toy Cleaner
Using 3% H2O2 and a pair of gloves, wet a sponge or paper towel with the solution and wipe on hard surface toys. Let dry and the kids can use them without rinsing them off. For soft surface toys such as stuffed animals, Put the solution into a spray bottle and spray on all soft surfaces, let dry and they are ready for play.
Use 3% H2O2 and pour into a glass or plastic jar about one inch deep. Place the brushes in the solution and let sit overnight. Rinse thoroughly and let dry. This should be done once a week to keep the brushes bacteria free.
Use 3% H2O2 and soak a cotton ball with the 3% solution. Dab the bite or sting with the H2O2 and let it dry. It will stop the itching and the bite or sting will heal much quicker.
Using 12% H2O2 add two cups to your bath water and mix well. Soak in the solution for 15 minutes for complete skin detoxification.

Cold Sores / Fever Blisters
Using 3% H2O2 soak a cotton ball with 3% H2O2 and dab on the
sore. Let completely dry.

Whiten Finger and Toenails
Using 3% H2O2 in a bowl add equal parts warm water and let nails sit in solution for ten minutes. Rinse off and notice whitening of the nails in an hour. May need additional application to achieve prefer whiteness.

Use as Toothpaste
Using 3% H2O2 mix equal parts of 3% H2O2 and water. Add mixture to baking soda until it creates a paste. Apply paste to toothbrush and brush as normal rinsing your mouth when finished.

Clear Sinuses
Using 3% H2O2 mix equal parts 3% H2O2 and water, put mixture in a nasal spray bottle and spray into each nostril. Let sit for one minute and then gently blow your nose. Do this no more than three times a week.

Athletes Foot
Using 8% H2O2 and one cup of 8% to two gallons of warm water in a foot bath or bucket large enough to fit both feet. Stir well and soak feet for 10 minutes. Remove and then thoroughly rinse with fresh water.

Stop Minor Bleeding
Using 3% H2O2 soak a cotton ball or tissue and dab on the wound. Let sit and dry on the wound and bleeding will stop. Great for those shaving knicks.

Clean Toothbrushes
Using 3% H2O2 add to a glass or plastic cup about an inch deep of the solution, set brushes in the solution head down and let sit overnight. In the morning thoroughly rinse and the brushes are ready to use.

Children’s Play Area
Using 3% H2O2 add to a spray bottle undiluted and spay all hard and soft surfaces including rugs. Let the solution completely dry and the area is ready to use.

Kill Airborne Germs
Using 3% H2O2 add the product to a humidifier or Diffuser on a daily basis. No need to dilute. You will also find that your humidifier or diffuser will stay cleaner.